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The hotel’s website ensures you get the best rate available for a given date under the best possible terms of sale. The hotel is your direct contact for your reservation.


Rate : From Menus from 13.90€

Chef Yann Camus invited you to try his traditional cooking, a mix between originality and right taste. Everyday, he suggests a cold starters buffet and "à la carte" sea products.

With an excellent quality-price ratio, you will have a large choice of flavour in our menus.

Our 280 places restaurant welcome you in its 4 air conditionned rooms. Dinner and lunch will be served in the main room, the veranda or the outside patio next to the swimming pool.

During a professionnal trip, you should appreciate our easy access hotel and restaurant, lounge bar and swimming pool facilities in Saint-Nazaire.
Reviews and Testimonials
2 Rue Michel Ange
44600 Saint-Nazaire